Firstly, you can't actually get to ACP from ACE with the drop down menu since ACP is already selected and you can't "reselect" it. I preferred the direct links of the old layout over the drop down menu. But I see you're addressing this now!

It's cool that our profiles show upcoming cons, but when you click on it then it takes you to an empty page. Because obviously, I haven't gone to the convention yet so I have no content in it. The only possible content would be if I designated a costume for that convention ahead of time, but honestly, the majority of users don't usually pre-designate. I would suggest just linking directly to the actual convention's page rather than the cosplayer's personal page for the convention.

New portraits for Acy and Ace are awesome! However, I'd rather not be taken to their "cosplayer" pages when I click on them. Usually, the top left corner of webpages is reserved for logos and such, and clicking them should take you to the top page, so the ACP or ACE home pages in this case.

And lastly, this one is a minor thing, but I think it would look better if the daily ranked cosplayers were in two columns of five to fill out the space.
That's it for now! Really appreciate all the hard work you put into this site. :)