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GIJOE convention 2012

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 7:52 am
by skinny
I am on a mission, a mission to gather together GIJOE cosplayers to represent the original 13 GIJOEs at the GIJOE collectors convention in New Orleans June 28-July 1st.
the club printed the idea in its March newsletter as well

Here are the characters:
Rock N Roll
Short Fuze
Snake Eyes version 1
Grand Slam
Hawk version 1

So if you like to dress up Joe
KNOW you are going to con and think this is a cool idea
post in this thread who you will be coming as.
Once we get the O13 greeenshirts are also welcome, we could make a small army.
recruiting starts now!

The hardest character for me to find someone for has been Scarlett I have posted this all over various GIJOE forums, twitter, Deviantart, anywhere I could find a cosplayer. Then it hit me that the best place might just be a cosplay forum!

If we can make this happen it will be the largest themed group at any Joecon, others have tried in the past to no avail.
I dont need anybody's info or anything just letting people know about the idea. Then we can all meet up when they have the cosplay portion of Joecon.
Thank you!

Re: GIJOE convention 2012

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 3:14 pm
by skinny
just a quick bump, it has been over a month, and Joecon is fast approaching, one month from today.
A few more people have joined the ranks since my last post but there are still open spots.