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Any Australians?
Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 7:24 am
by tiny_princess
hello! in about a year i will be moving to Australia and i want to know what the anime scene is like over there....
anyway if anyone can please fill me in as to what the enthusiasm is like and what cons go on or how many please let me know!
it wont change my mind about moving there i just want to know for future reference...
Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 2:06 am
by spleen
totally nothing.
sure, people like anime over here but there's nowhere to cosplay. :/
i'd never even heard of cosplay cons until i went on the internet because australia seems to have nothing of the sort.
Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:39 pm
by Himeno
spleen wrote:totally nothing.
sure, people like anime over here but there's nowhere to cosplay. :/
i'd never even heard of cosplay cons until i went on the internet because australia seems to have nothing of the sort.
Then you simply haven't been looking very hard.
Australia has the following conventions with some sort of anime content: (there are others based more on games and/or comics that I don't know much about)
Manifest (Melbourne - best/biggest anime only con in Australia)
Wai-Con (Perth)
AI-Con (Hobart)
AVCon (Adelaide)
SMASH (Sydney)
Supanova (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth)
Armageddon (Melbourne, Sydney, New Zealand)
Animania (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane - worst con in Australia)
Re: Any Australians?
Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 8:12 pm
by Kannabikki
Australia has a huge cosplay community! For the first time this year we have contistants in the World cosplay Sumit! Its very exciting.
Re: Any Australians?
Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 12:20 pm
by Harmony
These days, there are plenty of events to cosplay in, particularly in Sydney where the cosplay community's quite large. Not only are there many conventions to choose from (or attend all of if you will), but we also always hold cosplay birthday parties and everything
And you can always go to to keep up to date with the community. ^^
Re: Any Australians?
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:40 am
by wafflekitty101
I would love to go to a con but unfortunately I'm quite young and my mum rarely let's me go to places nearby like the beach let alone to a con (which I'm assuming is in a city too far from where I live, I need to do a little research) Besides anime/manga fans are nearly nonexistent in my area....let alone any Hetalia fans (I love that anime XD)
Re: Any Australians?
Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 12:24 am
by Himeno
wafflekitty101 wrote:I would love to go to a con but unfortunately I'm quite young and my mum rarely let's me go to places nearby like the beach let alone to a con (which I'm assuming is in a city too far from where I live, I need to do a little research) Besides anime/manga fans are nearly nonexistent in my area....let alone any Hetalia fans (I love that anime XD)
Can't help you with nearby cons if we don't know where you are
Re: Any Australians?
Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:17 pm
by wafflekitty101
I live in Redcliffe
And I might be going to the upcoming Supanova
Can't wait~
Re: Any Australians?
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:17 am
by Himeno
Queensland, near Brisbane?
Only events there are Supanova, a pop culture expo, and a mini con, Animania.
Animania runs in Brisbane twice a year with 6 hour single day events. It is quite over priced for what they run.
Supanova is mostly about the traders and is more focused on sci fi then anime.
Both have anime and cosplay content, but not as much as you would get elsewhere, such as in Melbourne or Sydney.
Re: Any Australians?
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 9:23 pm
by wafflekitty101
Now I wish that I could move to either of those places. Or to someplace like America or Canada.
Re: Any Australians?
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 10:29 pm
by Himeno
wafflekitty101 wrote:Now I wish that I could move to either of those places. Or to someplace like America or Canada.
Move to America? Visit maybe. Move there? no. Not until the American people finally stop listening to the pointless fear mongering and paranoia spouted by their government and destroy DHS and TSA. They have better things to spend their tax dollars on then government departments that continually break the law and ignore the Constitution.
Flights from Brisbane to Melbourne for Manifest weekend are about $100 each way.
Re: Any Australians?
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 11:25 pm
by wafflekitty101
Ahahaha~ maybe when I'm older and I get a job
Re: Any Australians?
Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 2:37 am
by wafflekitty101
Just got back from Supanova, Brisbane. It's not too bad although the only thing to do there was buy merchandise, get photos with cosplayers and socialize. But it was really interesting and I wouldn't mind going there again.
Re: Any Australians?
Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2025 1:29 am
by sussie
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