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Newly joined
Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 6:49 pm
by Kumoshi
Hi there! I'm Kumoshi; please refer to me with they/them or he/him pronouns. New to this site and I'm an amateur photographer and cosplayer (have bought costumes in the past but I would like to try making my own). I live in northern California, so I usually attend Fanime, but have been to a few other small cons and have attended Anime Expo twice. Nice to meet you all! c:
Re: Newly joined
Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 12:02 pm
by PlentyWolf
Nor Cal Represent!!!

The Bay Area is my favorite locality in America. I love Fanime!!! I have a lot of friends who go, but I haven't been since 2012 because I moved to Kansas and the cons here (in KC) are okay, but not nearly as cool as the one I started going to in Atlanta (AWA) or Dragon Con that I want to go to, but haven't yet or as Fanime is. Anyways, feel free to message me or whatever.