New to ACP and Beginner Cosplayer! (Help?)
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 4:34 pm
Hi there! I'm Inksie. I've only been cosplaying for a few years and all of them have been fairly simple cosplays that I could pretty much create within my closet (like Rose Tyler from Doctor Who or Molly Hooper from Sherlock), but this year I want to do something that requires a little more effort.
I really want to cosplay Hinata Hyuuga (Shippuden) from the Naruto series and while I would love to be able to style my own hair to look like hers...

...I'm unfortunately blonde. The convention I will be going to is during the school year so I'd rather not experiment with dying my hair.
I don't know anything about wigs except that the idea of one makes me nervous. I don't have a lot of money for really great wigs since I'm in college, but I would still like for it to look nice and be fairly easy to take care of (ie. *little tangling). Is it possible to find a decent wig like that for under $30? Also, if anyone has tips on how to make her leg holster, that would be lovely as well!
Thank you and I apologize if this is the wrong forum to ask this in!
I really want to cosplay Hinata Hyuuga (Shippuden) from the Naruto series and while I would love to be able to style my own hair to look like hers...

...I'm unfortunately blonde. The convention I will be going to is during the school year so I'd rather not experiment with dying my hair.
I don't know anything about wigs except that the idea of one makes me nervous. I don't have a lot of money for really great wigs since I'm in college, but I would still like for it to look nice and be fairly easy to take care of (ie. *little tangling). Is it possible to find a decent wig like that for under $30? Also, if anyone has tips on how to make her leg holster, that would be lovely as well!
Thank you and I apologize if this is the wrong forum to ask this in!