Hello Everyone!

If you want to cosplay, but don't know how or where to start, we'll try to help you out!
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Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Jan 11, 2016 10:27 pm

Hello Everyone!

Post by whitneywickham » Mon Jan 11, 2016 10:43 pm


I'm new to this site and cannot wait to meet people and make some cosplay friends with similar interests! I have been cosplaying for fun for a long time. I was always the girl that constructed her own costumes for Halloween or Spirit Week at school. I'm sure all of you can relate!

Some of my favorite characters to cosplay are Disney Characters. I am expanding into Heroes and taking a look at some Anime too! So many great characters out there and so little time.

Currently I am finishing up my Rey costume which I just did a few shots yesterday with a Kylo Ren cosplayer. It was amazingly fun and I cannot wait to share that work with all of you. I will be taking her and Star Butterfly up to Wizard World Madison and to C2E2 in Chicago. I live in the Chicagoland area and work as a party princess so that is kind of my life. Cosplaying for a living for children's parties on the weekends and sewing and constructing in the week.

I am attaching a few photos of a few photos of characters I play. Some of my files are too large so feel free to check me out on instagram under whitneywickhamcosplays or facebook under Whitney N Wickham. I can't wait to meet everyone! Thanks for reading and happy cosplaying!
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