Anyhow! My next cosplay will probably be Soma, from Kuroshitsuji...and I'm desperate for an Agni! But in any case, I'm really open minded for future cosplays and I have a huge wish list, so if you are interested in anything else, let me know...^^
Here are some of my past costumes (in case you wanna wear with me some day

Grell - from Kuroshitsuji
Karen - from Code Geass
Uruha - from Gazette...that was kind of three, I believe >>
Isshi - from Kagrra,
Rock Lee - from Naruto
Spock - from Star Trek
James - from Harry Potter, in the Marauders time =3
Mad Hatter - from Angel Sanctuary
For some pictures, here is my DA!! http://miiwaa.deviantart.com (Feel free to add me there if you have one too^^)
Also, my email is mariana__am@hotmail.com ^^ in case you preffer to send me a private message~
Take care, everyone!
Hope hearing from you...^^