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Temari cosplay X__X

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 2:44 pm
by MiseryBusiness1220
Mmkay, so I'm going as Temari to Nekocon (my boyfriend/fwb is going as Shikamaru) :D and I was having just a few problems.

1.] The only oriental store near me had no large fan I could use. So, I looked on ebay and found one for about $80. I might get it if I have the money, if not, I'm stuck trying to make it. Anyone know where to find a cheaper one?

2.] My hair is already a dirty blonde-ish color, so I don't need to worry too much about the color. It goes to about my shoulders, but I have extensions that might make the 4 pony tails slightly difficult. :? My friend plans to suffocate my hair in hair spray and hope for the best. I love her to death, but I DO NOT trust her with my hair. (Let's just say she's never doing my hair again after AMA this year)

3.] On a completly different note, my friend (who's going as Gaara) and I have a little skit planned out and were hoping to find a Kankuro cosplayer to help out. I'm sure I can randomly glomp someone and then ask them but I seem to think this method is easier ^w^

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 6:52 pm
by Andichan
there are large fans like that on ebay that you could paint to the right colour. it looks like most are around $30.

edit: oops, for some reason I was thinking that you said the oriental store had the fan for$80, not ebay.

these two are around $30, that seems reasonable. you don't want to spend all that time making one that would probably not be as durable or look as nice. they are not the right colour but you can easily paint them since it is a fairly simple design. ... =p3907.m29 ... dZViewItem

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:56 am
by MiseryBusiness1220
Thanks ^___^ I found one that's perfect!!!