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Pattern Drafting

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:02 am
by beautifuldreamer1289
So does anyone have any tips for drafting a pattern? when making a costume, I use a pattern but then alter it by trying it on, pinning it, taking it off, sewing a little, trying it on again, pinning some more, etc etc.

any sites or tips from you more professional types? =3

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:25 am
by Misstress Testament
Well I like using arch. drafting paper, it holds up better than the actual pattern paper and flows better than butcher paper. A mock of cheap muslin is also helpful to give you a sense of how it would actually fit the form.

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 4:17 pm
by Andichan
that's pretty much all you can do, since actual pattern making is really hard. (I am taking my second class on it, and still get so confused!)

Ditto on the mock up, I always make a practice one. The real one goes faster that way anyways, because you've already practiced everything once before.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 8:39 pm
by WilwarinAndamar
I'm planning on drafting my own pattern soon for making the clouds for my Sexy-no-Jutsu Gaara cosplay. :roll: I'm going to use newspaper to practice drawing it out, and I'll recycle what I didn't use for the pattern. No waste!

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 6:30 pm
by Cobheran
For the patterns I make I usually use contractor paper from Home Depot. Comes in big brown rolls that clutter up my house. I'm by no means professional but it's very useful for making patterns of my own body. They don't always fit but I err on the side of making them too big so I can take them in a bit when I try it on.

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:46 pm
by Matriarch
I would suggest making a sloper with muslin and going from there. It requires quite a bit of calculation before you actually draft the slopers and then block them up on the dress form but it's worth it. Once you have your slopers you'll be able to draft damn near anything if you've got a little creativity and a decent dress form. Also, I would recommend using muslin for most all your pattern drafting needs (if you're the type of person to pattern on the dress form) as it is much easier to work with and gives a more realistic drape than any sort of paper you might use.

Here are a couple useful links for getting started:

Also, I would recommend checking out a few books on the subject. There are some incredibly useful books regarding pattern making as well as crafting slopers.

Patterns and slopers

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:20 am
by Kato_Shiroi
8) Mina, arigatoo gozaimasu!
ThanX the info on slopers and pattern materials really help. What I would like to find is a dress makers mannequin to work on my costumes. I'm running out of friends to pin on and I'm sure they all think I'm practicing the voodo dark arts on them.....