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vinyl, leather, or pleather
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 4:25 pm
by Puppy-Chan
Never worked with anything like this and i'm way excited. Doing a jrock group with my friends at Katsucon and as far as i can tell, no one has done this cosplay. i can't find any reference pics because there are none, unless you watch the music video and you have to look really hard. i'm going to wing the design, but i just need to know whats easier to work with, what is cheapest, and what a novice can handle (although i have help from a good cosplayer). post if you have an opinion or some skill. thanks.
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 4:57 pm
by Sterling
Vinal the whole way, It's easier than Leather and looks Shiny. The Leather can also make a strange smell after a few days with Sweating. Pleather is...... Hard to work with.
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 5:59 pm
Vinyl aka PVC shiny stuff. A couple of tips to follow to when woring with PVC. To keep it from sticking together rub a small amount of baby powder to it while sewing it together, also if you find your thread breaking oil your needle, I use machine oil but I have heard from others that they use like conola oil. I personally use the mchine oil though. But deffinately use the Vinyl, I have worked with it before and I like it. check my mew mew ichigo costume.
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 9:50 pm
by Hemuloki-sama
You guys just assume too much that vinyl is always the shiny pvc stuff. Obviously Wings assumed the difference but it really depends on which look you are trying to achieve.
The classic J-rock look is always going to mean something shiny depending on which group you are cosplaying from but choosing leather, pleather or vinyl is really just a matter of prices.
Vinyl isn't always shiny and in all actuality, it can have the same look as leather or pleather. Vinyl around here in the fashion that I'm speaking of is like $17.99 and it's rather easy to work with in my opinion. I tend to handsew things too when I am unsure but the machine works just as well with this vinyl. Pvc vinyl is a bit more difficult but Wings described the proper way to handle it.