
sheet metal is tricky...it'd work for the wrist cuffs because you can paint them gold, but I don't know how well you could attach it to the jacket. For mine, I just duct taped the ends (it looked awful) so don't do that. EVER. Get some kind of craft foam that you can paint...I dunno.
See me at: Kamecon '04 (Feb28, NH) ~ Anime Boston '04 (Apr9-11, MA) ~ PortconMaine '04 (June 17 only, ME) ~ Connecticon '04 (July 18, CT.) ~ Arisia '05 (Jan 16?, MA) ~ Kamecon '05 (Feb, NH) ~ AnimeBoston '05 (May 11-13, MA) ~ PortconMaine '05 (June24-27, ME) ~ Connecticon '05 (July, CT)
|c|o|s|p|L|a|y| is my anti-drug!
|c|o|s|p|L|a|y| is my anti-drug!
I would take pvc pipe approximately the width you need, cut an opening through the side and then make a tube of fabric to cover it. If you can find it, use the stretchy shiny lame stuff. I usually see it in the skater's/dancer section of the fabric store (I spend a lot of time in that section). I don't know about sheet metal, because it is a: pricey and b: if you don't know what you're doing with it (like me) it'll scratch whoever's wearing it and hurt.
Take a piece of pipe cut to the right width for her cuffs/sleeves and measure out the same width on a doubled over section of fabric (the way it will come when you buy it in the store). Make it the same width and length as to cover the pipe completely adding at least 1/2 inch on each side of the rectangle for seaming. Take each piece inside out and fold over the short side as to make a 1/4 inch seam or half of the excess you allowed. It's a good idea to give yourself a little extra for seaming in case you mess something up.
Do this on all four short sides of the two pieces. Then take the two pieces and line them up evenly on top of each other, wrong side of the fabric facing out for both of them (so that the right sides are touching each other). Then stitch the two pieces together using all the seam allowance you gave yourself before. Pull the fabric inside out by pushing one end around and working the fabric up and around the outside little by little.
Then pull the fabric around the pvc pipe so that it's centered. Fold in the two edges so that the seam you stitched before is not seen. Run a seam down the very edge of each side of the short part of the fabric. Repeat this for each cuff/sleeve you need. I think Aeris has some spikes, though, so I'd suggest either buying them and putting them on the fabric before you slide the fabric over the pipe (but this might require extra fabric) or making them yourself and hot glueing them on after the whole cuff is done. Hope this helps.
Take a piece of pipe cut to the right width for her cuffs/sleeves and measure out the same width on a doubled over section of fabric (the way it will come when you buy it in the store). Make it the same width and length as to cover the pipe completely adding at least 1/2 inch on each side of the rectangle for seaming. Take each piece inside out and fold over the short side as to make a 1/4 inch seam or half of the excess you allowed. It's a good idea to give yourself a little extra for seaming in case you mess something up.
Do this on all four short sides of the two pieces. Then take the two pieces and line them up evenly on top of each other, wrong side of the fabric facing out for both of them (so that the right sides are touching each other). Then stitch the two pieces together using all the seam allowance you gave yourself before. Pull the fabric inside out by pushing one end around and working the fabric up and around the outside little by little.
Then pull the fabric around the pvc pipe so that it's centered. Fold in the two edges so that the seam you stitched before is not seen. Run a seam down the very edge of each side of the short part of the fabric. Repeat this for each cuff/sleeve you need. I think Aeris has some spikes, though, so I'd suggest either buying them and putting them on the fabric before you slide the fabric over the pipe (but this might require extra fabric) or making them yourself and hot glueing them on after the whole cuff is done. Hope this helps.
It's not love that makes the world go 'round; it's fanboys and fangirls.