When am i gonna get my wig, hun?

I know the wig stores around here have fake buns already made. Maybe you could add one of those to your wig so you wouldn't have to go through the pain of making them. If you don't have any local wig stores try find online wig shops for older people.Rika Nakamura wrote:I'm going to attempt to make a Lulu wig. I'm going to practice with a halloween wig I have.
But my questoin is: How can I can I get a good bun, Use that caulk stuff?. And is it good to even practice on a halloween wig, when the actual wig I'm going to buy for the final product will be of better quality? And also, would it damage a wig if I hot glued some things to it? Or are there other ways I should approach when adding accesories?
Caulk is mostly just used for stubbing. Which if your going to build a bun seperate and wrap it around the stub, I say go for it. Depends on how you glue into it.Rika Nakamura wrote:I'm going to attempt to make a Lulu wig. I'm going to practice with a halloween wig I have.
But my questoin is: How can I can I get a good bun, Use that caulk stuff?. And is it good to even practice on a halloween wig, when the actual wig I'm going to buy for the final product will be of better quality? And also, would it damage a wig if I hot glued some things to it? Or are there other ways I should approach when adding accesories?
I'm still trying to make the Marilyn Nebraska wig.mrs.tomoe wrote:Out of curiousity, what character are you making a wig for?
Try a beauty supply store, or search for a wig specialty store. I recommend the net variety, as they pin on better!nekobiker wrote:I can't seem to find wig caps anywhere