American Cosplay Paradise is proud to announce that Lucent Heart from Japan is landing on American shores. And we're giving away FREE BETA KEYS.
The popular MMORPG from Japan, Lucent Heart is now here for beta testing! It won the Best Game award in Japan. The innovative Cupid system is something that you've never seen in other MMORPG, and the game has been going on strong in Japan since 2008. Another twist on the traditional RPG, the Zodiac system will make sure every day is a fresh new experience! This is your chance to get on the shiny new thing without getting left behind.
1. Must be a member of ACParadise. Males & females of all territories and regions welcome.
2. Log in to
3. Follow if you haven't already
4. Tweet the following as much as you like:
"Like MMOs? Follow @acparadise and Retweet for a chance to try Lucent Heart, a hot new game that combines love & action, in beta now!"
5. Click on
7. Special bonus! If you are a Celestial cosplayer, you will get TWO beta keys. (One boy and one girl account, perhaps? ^_-)
8. Now brag to all your friends on Facebook by posting:
"I just got my free Beta Key to Lucent Heart from! Go on, get yours already so we can caramel dansen online!"
-Offer good until 1000 beta keys given out.
-If you are having problems signing up to ACP (activation, forgot password) Click this link
-We're just trollan you with instructions 3, 4 and 8. You can totally skip those if you want, but we still appreciate the viral support.
-The closed beta starts on March 17, 2011.
For full details: