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Pacific Media Expo 2010 Convention Report

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 6:43 pm
by waynekaa
Pacific Media Expo attracts southern California locals with their
favorite fashion, cosplay and Japan culture. It has grown larger over
the years with more attendees from all over California to attend and
enjoy the event. Highlights of Pacific Media Expo 2010 was their
Cosplay Masquerade, Fashion Show, Swap Meet and their guests of the
year. This year, PMX relocated from their traditional LAX hotel site to one in Pasadena.
The hotel itself was a bit dingy and not as roomy and fancy as prior venues. However,
the access to food in Old Town Pasadena far surpassed the fast-food fare that's typically
available at the LAX locations. In addition, since Anime LA is also at an LAX situation,
the move to Pasadena makes PMX feel like a separate con, instead of ALA#2 (despite PMX
being older, ALA has appears to have larger attendance rate)

Cosplay Highlight of the Day : ... 277_461594
Pacific Media Expo isn’t just about fashion, fans cosplay some of the
newest hottest anime during the weekend.
Fashion Highlight of the Day : ... 277_461547
Swap Meet : Fans came to sell their items at swap meet and the
attendees come to buy.

Cosplay Highlight of the Day: ... 277_459262
Fashion Highlight of the Day: ... 277_464667
CosFest : There were 17 entries competing in the event of the night.
Angel Hearts, Mikarin and Takeriya_Hagi presented a catching half time
Highlight Skit of Night :
Quick change of clothes with a large coordinated group was great
and the catchy music lit up the whole room.

CosFest Videos :

Cosplay Highlight of the Day : ... 277_459036
Fashion Highlight of the Day : ... 277_465835
The fashion of PMX is outstanding every year with their originality,
you can view the full gallery for more.

Overall : has covered PMX for years and it definitely
won’t be the last. We will look forward what every year brings for
this event.