Nikon D7000
Nikon AF-S Nikkor 35mm f/1.8G DX Lens
SB-700 AF Speedlight i-TTL Shoe Mount Flash
Adobe Lightroom 3
Date Taken:
12/05/2012(Last Updated 12/05/2012)
Extra Info:
Oh man, what a late night shoot. I was done with dinner and hanging out with some friends I had not seen in a long time when I decided to go back onto the con floor for one last try. Saw her and her BF doing a shoot and asked if I can try and help with sword poses. It kinda turned into a mini-shoot, meet-and-greet of sorts. ^_^;
Next time, I\'ll have it outdoors though. Swinging a sword inside a hotel is kinda a \"no-no\" ....oops ^^;