Nikon D7000
Nikon AF-S Nikkor 35mm f/1.8G DX Lens
SB-600 AF Speedlight i-TTL Shoe Mount Flash
+w/ Cap Diffuser
Adobe Lightroom 3
Date Taken:
01/29/2012(Last Updated 01/29/2012)
Extra Info:
Con Smith - shiimapan
Kevin Smith - version 7.0
MASK de Smith - TheJuiceTrain
Harman Smith - zetsubou will
Coyote Smith - Siyegen
Garcian Smith - Ichigo Sempai
KAEDE Smith - Adora
Largest group I\'ve had for ALA...possibly for the con. Nighttime shooting with a group is hard, but at least the parking lot had good lighting. Along with my light-stand, helped with the lighting.