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BlizzardTerrak > Photoshoots
Photoshoot Info
Final Fantasy XIII
Serrah on Campus
San Jose State University, CA
Nikon D3000 Nikon AF-S Nikkor 35mm f/1.8G DX Lens AF-S DX VR Zoom-Nikkor 55-200mm f/4-5.6G IF-ED Lens SB-600 AF Speedlight i-TTL Shoe Mount Flash +w/ Cap Diffuser Adobe Lightroom 3
Date Taken:
04/13/2011 (Last Updated 04/13/2011)
Extra Info:
Serrah Farron - LimitlessEdge\'s Jie Well we only had one day to do it (and it was gonna rain) so we basically mad dash to several areas of my campus. (yeah, usually bad idea, but it was a Friday and it was the beginning of Spring Break for us, so it was empty) My favorite private shoot so far because it was definitely not close to convention times and because I got to try out many locations and poses than I normally would at any gathering or con.



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