Nikon D7100
Nikon AF-S DX NIKKOR 17-55mm f/2.8G IF-ED Lens
SB-700 AF Speedlight i-TTL Shoe Mount Flash
Adobe Lightroom 5
Date Taken:
11/03/2015(Last Updated 11/03/2015)
Extra Info:
Ruby: Mouse's Cosplay
Weiss: Blossomberry
Blake: AntiquityDreams
Yang: Supernova Styles
Pyrrha: Jazzberry
Len and Nora: Level 99 Designs
Roman: CluffLinks Cosplay and Artisanry
Snuck into the garage while we could. Unfortunately, Security got to us before we could try out some great solos so it's mostly group shots here.
We tried to move the shoot somewhere but with the heavy rain and the crowds....we had to scrub the rest of the shoot...
#RWBY #MontyOum