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BlizzardTerrak > Photoshoots
Photoshoot Info
Big Hero 6
Big Hero 6 Shoot - 2014
San Francisco, CA
Nikon D7100 Nikon AF-S DX NIKKOR 17-55mm f/2.8G IF-ED Lens SB-700 AF Speedlight i-TTL Shoe Mount Flash Adobe Lightroom 5
Date Taken:
09/22/2015 (Last Updated 09/22/2015)
Extra Info:
Gogo Tomago: ICosplayInsanity, Maria L., Rukia Hitachiin Cosplay Tadashi: Electric Spider Hiro: Cosplayer "N", Effektd Cosplay Fred: That Blue Dinosaur Guy Cosplay Honey Lemon: Cassierole, November Cosplay, Defender Dev Yokai - Ryoga Rocket Because I live here. And because Big Hero 6 was awesome in my opinion (seriously, go watch it). The thing about doing shoots in SF is that it is hard to get all the sights, especially during the winter time. Still, we made due and try to get some SF-esque shots including hills and the Golden Gate Bridge. We're feeling good about doing another one and adding the two other characters missed (including Wasabi and the all important BAYMAX!) Heck of a fun day, loved this shoot, so glad to have done this. And I can't wait for Round 2.



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