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Lionboogy > Photoshoots
Photoshoot Info
G.I. Joe
Vacation Photos of G.I.Joe vs. Cobra: Operation Hornet - PART ONE
Canon Powershot G6, Canon 30D, Canon 40D
Date Taken:
06/25/2013 (Last Updated 06/25/2013)
Extra Info:
In the last dramatic episode of G.I.Joe (http://lionboogy.livejournal.com/835149.html), the international terrorist organization Cobra completed a secret missile base in Afghanistan and it was up to G.I.Joe to travel beyond U.S. protected borders, infiltrate the base to disarm the missiles and stop the threat. An elite team of Joes was assembled and armed with new experimental technology high-powered rail-guns, however the assault mission was fraught with risk as several of their own team members got stuck on the dangerously high cliffs and sharp rocks and attempted a daring rescue for one of its own. Just as things couldn\'t get any worse, Cobra succeeded in launching ten lethal nuclear warheads targeted for the U.S. Capitol and Russia\'s Kremlin, each warhead capable of annihilating several cities. It was a nail-biting cliffhanging episode that left the Joes strangers in a forgotten land and Cobra finally at the controls of their greatest threat to world freedom yet. Still reeling from the loss at Operation: Calera, GIJoe scrambles to assemble a Quick Reaction Task Force to disarm ten nuclear warheads on their way to multiple high-population targets around the globe. Unfortunately for Cobra, once after missiles are launched, they emit global positioning tracking signals that GIJoe Global Satellite Intelligence was able to decode and track their movements. However, the only advanced communications technology capable of quickly disarming the warheads in flight is on board the USS Flagg, stationed in the Arabian Sea between the borders of Pakistan and India for refueling. Anticipating a surprise attack by Cobra forces, Duke places Shipwreck, Lady Jaye, and Recondo in command of the mission, leading Land, Sea, and Air Divisions. Orders are to secure the USS Flagg and remote disarm the warheads before they reach their targets in less than SIX HOURS. Of course, like all crafty snakes, Cobra Commander already ordered a surprise assault on the USS Flagg well ahead of Duke\'s orders.



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