Nikon D7000
Nikon AF-S Nikkor 35mm f/1.8G DX Lens
SB-700 AF Speedlight i-TTL Shoe Mount Flash
Adobe Lightroom 3
Date Taken:
05/08/2013(Last Updated 05/08/2013)
Extra Info:
I have to say that after this, I had never been so physically drained in my life.
The cosplay check-in at Civic Center had practically ZERO shade thanks to someone grooming the trees and forgetting portable tents for shade and it was one of the hottest days in SF so far. I should be surprised how many cosplayers managed to last this long in the heat, particularly with heavy props, multiple layers, and non-walking shoes. I was hoping to do shoots at Civic Center, but with the intense sun, it was practically impossible so I just shot the parade.
Unfortunately, the creepy photographers (aka people who shoot at random without asking or giving a place where they post these pics) were in full force. Made a lot of cosplayers uncomfortable. It sure killed my ability to do photoshoots.
Afterwards, my legs gave out and I just rested in the Hotel Kabuki\'s garden. Took me about an hour on the cold rocks before I even tried to get back up. I just hope I don\'t collapse like that at Fanime.