Nikon D7000
Nikon 17-55mm f/2.8G AF-S DX IF-ED Lens
SB-700 AF Speedlight i-TTL Shoe Mount Flash
Adobe Lightroom 3
Date Taken:
05/06/2013(Last Updated 05/06/2013)
Extra Info:
Dante - Brinni
Most people by this time were at the cosplay masquerade. I stopped going to these things since I\\\'ll want to waste my memory chips trying to get people on stage and I didn\\\'t qualify for a press badge (not surprising, I only post pics slowly and almost never do write-ups that draw in people). So I was heading back to the hotel, when I saw a group of cosplayers and photographers setting up shop at the fountain. I decided to quickly pull out my gear and she was more than willing to shoot with me.
Suddenly the fountains kept springing up so I kept holding down the shutter. I didn\\\'t have a lot of time to set up my off-camera flash so the lighting isn\\\'t as even (or effective) as I would have liked but it was moving quickly. I think all these photos took place in about 12-20 minutes? All with an unpredictable fountain routine in the background.
Not bad. ^^;