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How do I tag myself to my video on ACParadise?
If you were the cosplayer in one of the videos that we posted, you may tag yourself to the video.
In order to do this, follow these instructions:
1. Log in to your ACParadise account.
2. You need to have a cosplayer profile on either ACP or ACE. (this is separate from your ACParadise.com forum account). In order to set your cosplay profile, visit
http://www.acparadise.com/acp/tools.php or http://www.acparadise.com/ace/tools.php
3. Remember your cosplay name that you set up
4. Go to the video you are interested in, and under "Featured Cosplayers" type in your cosplay name and wait for it to pull it up.
5. Click "Link" and your account will be linked up.

6. Additionally you can tag which costume you wore to that video. To do this, visit
http://www.acparadise.com/acp/tools.php?t=videos or
Go to the right side where your you will be able to select a costume from your existing costume list and link up. If the costume is not there on your list, you need to upload it first.