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American Cosplay Snapshots
Cosplayer Elycium > Costume of Kanaya Maryam (MS Paint Adventures / Homestuck)
- Most Recent Photo
- 02-03-2013
- Series
- MS Paint Adventures / Homestuck
- Character
- Kanaya Maryam
- Special Variation:
- Steamstuck
- Year Completed:
- 2013
- Construction Difficulty:
- Difficult
- Costume worn at:
- OhayoCon 2013
About this Costume
- Construction Details:
I started off by making all of the undergarments, including a buskless corset (because the blouse had to be so close fitting in the front), and a bustle. After that was several rounds of mock-ups and fittings of the top. The skirt was the easiest part of the whole thing.
- Personal Thoughts:
- The moment I saw tumblr user Dorkamine's Steamstuck designs that I was going to cosplay at least two of them, and Kanaya's design called out to me the most. I love the colour green, and the design of the dress was so beautiful. It was also a challenge, which was exciting.
It took several mock-ups and fittings to get this all right, and as close to the original design as possible. I'm really happy with how everything turned out.
Wig Details
- Styling Notes
- The wig was styled with Got 2 Be Glue freeze spray. I just stuck it on my twin's head, since we have the same face shape, and went to town with no real idea of what I was doing.
- Wig Review
- This wig styled very easily and the style of wig lent well to the character.
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