Wow. Okay.
As far as cosplay goes, this was one of the best cons I've had. A real pick me up from having to leave Anime Boston early last year due to sickness..
Unfortunately, I missed wearing Duo to the Gundam photoshoot since it was Saturday, but I wore him around Friday, which was my 'shopping and panels' day, it seemed. Got some photos taken, but it's sad that most people don't know Gundam anymore, especially Gundam Wing. Makes me feel old, even though I wasn't even a part of the first wave of Wing fans, LOL. (I'm part of the Kenshin/YYH generation of Toonami watchers!)
Saturday I debuted Kokonoe finally, and am SO happy with how she came out. I entered her into the Hall contest- my first craftsmanship judging session. That afternoon, I lead the Blazblue x Guilty Gear photoshoot, which was a whole lot of fun! It was great to see everyone's costumes come to fruition after talking on the forums. :)
That night I was stolen off to Masquerade as a Hall winner! Masq was pretty good, loooooots of Lady Gaga skits this year (predictably). The bubblehead nurse one was kinda cool- my favorite skit was the one with the single guy and the Masquerade helpline, though, can't believe that didn't win a skit award. And oh man, the Yoshiki thing dragged on waaaay too long though, LOL. Masq went super over time because of that.
My Kokonoe won 'Best Novice- Saturday' in Hall Contest, though! \o/
Afterwards I did a great shoot with the awesome Fotaku, then I went home (after a bit of changing-related panic). Lol, Blue Line at 1 AM.
Sunday I had to move, so I didn't get to come to con last day :( Oh well.
Can't come back next year due to timing of finals, but I can see myself returning in future years if timing allows!