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Cosplayer KenshinKyo > Convention History > Erie Anime Experience 2011
Report / Summary

This year, EAE is taking place 23-25 of September 2011 at The Avalon in Erie, Pennsylvania. EAE IV is set to be a unique weekend filled with anime and manga-related events, demonstrations of Japanese and Asian culture, and a game room covering 30+ years of video games.

EAE is also proud to announce this year’s guest lineup, including talented voice actors:
Mike Pollock (Yu-gi-oh, Sonic X, and Pokѐmon), Robert Axelrod (Lord Zedd of Power Rangers), and SEAN SCHEMMEL ( Goku of Dragon Ball Z) {Sean is only joining us for Friday and Saturday until 2pm},
Other speakers are; Robert Koepke the Viking Guy, and musical guest Gavin Goszka, of Midnight Syndicate. Preregistration, hotel and venue information, and further information on our guests is available at www.erie-anime-experience.com!

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