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ACS Celestial Photographer #1: Photoshoot and Managing Guide
This is step by step guide to showing you how to upload a photoshoot and managing photos. First Log In and then get to the photoshoot menu by the following ways.





Clicking onto Photoshoot, it's time to enter the specific information.

1.) Album Title : The title of your photoshoot.
2.) Series : Select the series from drop list.
3.) Convention : Link the convention it was taken at if applicable.
4.) What Day? : Which day it was taken at.
5.) Location : Where it was taken, country, state, city, or landmark.
6.) Equipment / Software Used : What equipment did you use to take the photos and which processing programs you used for the photos.
7.) Personal Thoughts / Comments : Any extra comments or thoughts about the photoshoot.
8.) Allow Comments? : Yes, no or screened for your review first.
9.) Allow Cosplayers to List Themselves in Your Pictures? : Yes or No for cosplayers/members tagging themselves in the photos.
10.) After you are done you will click ADD/UPDATE ALBUM!

Success after you get this message. Now click the UPLOAD PHOTOS.

Click SELECT FILES and choose the files to upload.

This should be how the screen looks when you are uploading.

After the upload is complete, you can manage the photos. Click on the Image to select the photos.
1.) Link Cosplayer : Enter the name of the cosplayer and it will pop up for selection.
2.) Link Event : If there is an event that this photoshoot was done for, you will link it to this photoshoot.
3.) Remove Photos : It will remove all selected photos.
4.) You can click SELECT ALL or UNSELECT ALL for a mass selection.

Once you choose which to do you click GO! to apply the changes.

These are the basics of uploading and managing photoshoot for Celestial Photographers. There will be another guide for Standards soon.